Aktion Club award entries are due September 15!


Leadership structure

Aktion Club is a “member-led” community service organization. Therefore, club members get to serve as club leaders. The Standard Form for Aktion Club Bylaws included in the Aktion Club Petition to Charter document states that the officers of a Aktion Club shall be president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. Election of new officers should be conducted at a meeting during the spring or summer. The new officers should assume their responsibilities on October 1. Each officer shall be a member in good standing. No other limitations or restrictions should be placed on these officers.

Office of president/vice president
Fellow members elect the president to this office as a matter of trust. The first and major responsibility is to live up to that trust. The president must take an active part and concern in every member and function of the club. The vice-president should assist the president in carrying out the responsibilities. The vice-president is also responsible for the club administration in the absence of the president.

The president, with the assistance of the Kiwanis advisor(s), should carefully plan all parts of the meeting. The agenda should be carefully timed so the meeting can adjourn at the required time.

Offices of secretary and treasurer
The Aktion Club secretary and treasurer also have important responsibilities to the club. They have been elected because fellow club members trust them to do a good job. The secretary will handle correspondence, reports and record keeping. The treasurer will handle all dues payments, financial records and keep the board updated on the status of the club treasury.