Aktion Club award entries are due September 15!


Welcome to the 2021-22 Aktion Club year! Now more than ever, the world needs Aktion Club members. We realize that Aktion Club meetings will look different this year, so we’re creating meeting kits which include agendas with links to materials – so you can keep meeting safely, growing, learning and leading.

To meet online, you may use Zoom. (to learn how to host a meeting on Zoom, watch this video.) If the club’s facility provides an official virtual meeting platform and you have access to it, we encourage you to use that platform.

As Kiwanis Service Leadership Programs move to virtual or online meeting platforms, we offer reminders to keep members safe. Please review the youth protection in virtual meeting resources prior to hosting online meetings. This page will be updated frequently, so come back often for additional meeting resources.

If you have ideas for future virtual meeting kits or questions about these kits, reach out to us at .

Virtual Meeting Kits: