For Aktion Club, it’s all about helping people and communities. Sometimes that means raising money for a cause or an organization. Many Aktion Clubs find that it helps to find a partner — and possibilities include Kiwanis family clubs, local businesses and other organizations. Here are six examples: 

  • Flower sale. La Grange Aktion Club in Illinois, U.S., held a flower sale at its sponsoring La Grange Kiwanis Club’s annual French Toast Breakfast fundraiser. Held the week before Mother’s Day in the U.S., the Aktion Club earned US$475.  
  • Slice the Price card sale. In Ohio, U.S., Seneca County Aktion Club members sold Domino’s “Slice the Price” cards for US$20 each, earning the club $10 for each card sold. Buyers receive one free pizza for each pizza they purchase, and the card can be used multiple times. The Aktion Club raised $1,500 with this fundraiser. 
  • Pop tab drive. At Hope in Action in Michigan, U.S., club members hold a year-round collection of pop tabs to raise money for Ronald McDonald House Charities West Michigan. When delivering tabs, members had fun experiencing Ronald McDonald House. The sponsoring Kiwanis club and Hope network facilities helped the Aktion Club by gathering tabs. 
  • Pie sale. Work out a deal to buy pies at a discounted price from a local bakery or baked goods company. Take preorders for pies at the full price, then buy and deliver them in time for a holiday. Your club keeps the difference in price. Knox County Aktion Club in Ohio, U.S., has great success (making as much as $1,500) doing an annual fundraiser during the U.S. fall holiday season with pies from Gordon Food Service. 
  • Rummage sale. Hold a drive to gather donated household items, clothing and more, then price them and host a rummage sale fundraiser. Do this annually, like the Aktion Club of Lake Tahoe in California, U.S., for a successful sale with return customers. 
  • Raffles. Ask a local business to donate items for a gift basket and sell raffle tickets for each item at a Kiwanis club event. The Community Aktion Club of West Cuyahoga County partners with the Berea Kiwanis Club in Ohio, U.S., to hold raffles and other fundraisers at each of its events.