March is National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month (DDAM), and it’s a great time to let people know what Aktion Club is and what it does. Here are three suggestions:  

  • Share on social media. Select four or more of the club’s most successful service and fundraising projects. Have club members vote on the projects they most want to share with others. Include them in the process of writing a description of each one. Collect photos of those projects and signed Kiwanis photo releases from Aktion Club members who appear in the photos. Decide which days during each week in March you want to post information, and you’re ready to go!  
  • Wear and share orange. Orange is the official color of DDAM. Orange is also associated with energy and positivity. What can your club do to celebrate the color orange and bring awareness to this special month? Here are some ideas:  
    • Wear orange during March club meetings.  
    • Create orange posters and hang them in the facility and throughout the community.  
    • Paint garden rocks orange, add messages of encouragement and place them in the facility garden.  
    • Photograph the club’s “Wear and share orange” campaign projects and post them on social media.  
  • Put a smile on a child’s face. Let children with developmental disabilities know they are valued and supported. Is there an organization in your community that offers amazing opportunities to children with developmental disabilities? Ask the organization about its needs and plan a service project to help.  

Learn more about National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month